Colletrix - Bridging the Physical and virtual world
When an intellectual property is sold usually the original maker will lose. Consumers still need to verify the collections they buy using a traditional method. Well here Colletrix uses blockchain technology to protect the creators of intellectual property (IP) and verify the authenticity of collections of merchandise.
Colletrix gives artists the ability to convert their IPs into digital assets, enabling them to better protect their IPs whenever a token is traded. Consumers can verify the authenticity of their collections through token information stored on the blockchain.
Colletrix is supported by talented teams from UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena, and Bitwork Accelerator. UNDONE will bring its trade expertise to demonstrate the benefits of blockchain technology for merchandise, Animoca Brands will introduce a broad network of IP owners and blockchain and gamification technologies, while Future Arena will utilize a strong IP sport and entertainment portfolio - all to create an IP creation ecosystem, dynamic trade and physical trade using blockchain technology.
Colletrix envisions a world where new economies and old economies will be fully integrated to create new economic models that maximize benefits for all
Participants Starting with IP and the creative industry, we envision a revolutionary industry where IP owners will be able to maintain the license prize they are entitled to accept the application of blockchain technology.
Through the Platform, Colletrix strives to create new market value by integrating IP tokensization. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. Therefore, we will do so to extend the possibility for all IP owners and makers around the world to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for merchandisers, we will offer them new market value on their physical commodities through the application blockchain, maximizing the attractiveness and benefits of their products. Inclusion
NFT will create a dynamic interest in collectors while providing them with easy access to the crypto market, and leading to new business opportunities such as the creation of franchises. Colletrix will be one of the first to inspire mass transformation and world economic integration
Token Info
Colletrix will issue its own ecosystem token, Colletrix Token (CIPX). CIPX is a cryptocurrency that is supported by the Ethereum network with the ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all records related to CIPX can be seen using the Ethereum browser.
Token Name: Colletrix
Symbol: CIPX
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC721
May 2019
1. Initial exchange offer
2. Team recruitment
June 2019 Beta platform and merchandise launch (UNDONE watch related to NFT, IP tokenization)
Q3 2019
1. First IP x NFT Marketplace Merchandise Development
2. More UNDONE merchandise plus the NFT collection
Q4 2019 - Q1
1. Gamification element to provide incentives for the NFT collection
2. Open a platform for the manufacture of pure IP (decoupling merchandise
from creating IP, leading to more IPs that are made and tokenized)
Q2 2020
1. Apply IP merchandising to other products - users must
spend CIPX to make NFT with their merchandise
Colletrix Team
More info:
Mei 28, 2019
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaDabanking decentralized platform review
Today I will be introducing you to an innovative project on the blockchain that provides a platform where users can build their own entertainment DApp as well as play fomojackpot with Eth to earn DApp token.
Decentralized Applications (DAPP) is more commonly known as Game Applications. The good thing is that it is a privilege for users of the benefits of unprecedented applications.
Dabanking platform is a project that allows you to provide decentralized entertainment services to users globally. With the use of a blockchain and a smart contract, users are made to experience Farness, transparency and maximum satisfaction in DABANKING Game platform.
Presently, there are 2.3 billion users playing games on these platforms according to the world. This gaming market is said to be generating a huge amount of over $ 103 every year as revenue.
But the problem faced by these game developers is lack of the ability to prove the existence and the right ownership of assets in the game industry. This lack of proper identification of ownership leads to fraudulent activities in the industry. But the use of blockcgain technology and Ethereum smart contract on DABANKING will allow the identity of the real owner of any assets in the Game industry to be known. And this is enough to boost the confidence of users and make them believe that their rightful assets will be given to them with the use of blockchain.
DABANKING is designed in such a way that it will be able to meet the needs of all users of the world.
1. Instant income
As each round is more than 650% of the time, it is likely to increase the likelihood of having to pay more or less than one per cent. 500% of the amount spent on round 1 onward.
2. Winning Income
There are four categories of treasure that a player can win when buying a ticket. The user has the chance to win a huge amount of Diamond Chcest, Rubby Chest, Gold chest and Silver chest. ALSo, a player with a ticket at the same time using one ticket.
Divined pool is designed to contain 10% of the total ETH ticket bought and all profits of fomogames. Also, every two weeks will be paid to users. 70% of the Dividend is a continuous process, the remaining 30% Dividend will be paid after two weeks.
When users and community members play games that use a DAA token, all DAA tokens on the platform are in the token pool. Every two weeks, the system will automatically burn 50% of the DAA tokens in the token pool.
Author’s bitcoin profile:;u=2594887
Authour’s name : mamah67
Kasachstan ist das idealste Land in Bezug auf regionale Bedingungen und Rentabilität in Zentralasien. Kasachstan ist bestrebt, seine digitale Wirtschaft auf nationaler Ebene und bezahlbaren Strom zu stärken.
Im August dieses Jahres investierte der kasachische Präsident Nasarbajew in die Förderung des Grundbegriffs des Gesetzes im Bereich der Digitalisierung
als neuen Ansatz, um den Marktanteil seiner Mitglieder zu erhöhen, ohne das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in das Land zu untergraben, um die Wertschöpfungsindustrien zu fördern und den Anteil der Rohstoffe zu verringern. Und plant, Innovationen voranzutreiben.
Kasachstan strebt den Beitritt zu den 30 größten Industrieländern der Welt bis 2050 an und wird ein nationales Programm “Digitalisierung Kasachstans 2017-2020” durchführen, um die Digitalisierung, die Entwicklung einer neuen Wirtschaft aus der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der kasachischen Wirtschaft durch die Entwicklung eines aggressiven digitalen Wirtschaftssystems, zu verwirklichen. Von Wirtschaftsentwicklungsmodellen und -strategien sind auch Akteure des globalen Cloud-Computing-Marktes betroffen. Dies ist ein überproduktives Netzwerk, das Hunderte von spezialisierten Computersystemen integriert, die als starke Achse dienen können,
um talentierte Unternehmen anzuziehen und kasachischen Bürgern dabei zu helfen, einen gesunden Binnenmarktanteil zu gewinnen
Im August dieses Jahres investierte der kasachische Präsident Nasarbajew in die Förderung des Grundbegriffs des Gesetzes im Bereich der Digitalisierung
als neuen Ansatz, um den Marktanteil seiner Mitglieder zu erhöhen, ohne das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in das Land zu untergraben, um die Wertschöpfungsindustrien zu fördern und den Anteil der Rohstoffe zu verringern. Und plant, Innovationen voranzutreiben.
Kasachstan strebt den Beitritt zu den 30 größten Industrieländern der Welt bis 2050 an und wird ein nationales Programm “Digitalisierung Kasachstans 2017-2020” durchführen, um die Digitalisierung, die Entwicklung einer neuen Wirtschaft aus der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der kasachischen Wirtschaft durch die Entwicklung eines aggressiven digitalen Wirtschaftssystems, zu verwirklichen. Von Wirtschaftsentwicklungsmodellen und -strategien sind auch Akteure des globalen Cloud-Computing-Marktes betroffen. Dies ist ein überproduktives Netzwerk, das Hunderte von spezialisierten Computersystemen integriert, die als starke Achse dienen können,
um talentierte Unternehmen anzuziehen und kasachischen Bürgern dabei zu helfen, einen gesunden Binnenmarktanteil zu gewinnen
Der Abbauprozess umfasst den Standort eines Landes. Obwohl dieser Prozess digital abläuft, beeinflussen Umweltfaktoren diese Aktivität. Nicht alle Regionen können Bergbau betreiben. Dies liegt daran, dass jede Region unterschiedliche geografische Bedingungen aufweist, die sich direkt auf die Bergbautätigkeiten auswirken. Aufgrund des hohen Stromverbrauchs und der Notwendigkeit eines stabilen Internetnetzwerks wirken sich die geografischen Bedingungen auf die Bergbautätigkeiten digitaler Assets aus. Der Bergbau wird Bergbauunternehmen einbeziehen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, Einrichtungen bereitzustellen und ein kontinuierliches Management der Prozesse unter kontrollierten Bedingungen sicherzustellen. Diese Firma hat eine Rolle, die fast der des Knotens entspricht, aber der Maßstab ist größer.
Es gibt mehrere Regionen, die für die Durchführung von Bergbautätigkeiten als nicht optimal eingestuft wurden, wie z. B. China. Die Bevölkerungsdichte und die dort vorkommende hohe Aktivität machen das Netzsystem des Landes für den Einsatz im Bergbau weniger geeignet. Dies führte dann zu der Idee, einen neuen Bergbaustandort zu finden, der sehr strategisch war und von vielen Faktoren, insbesondere der Geographie, unterstützt wurde. Die zentralasiatische Region ist die am besten geeignete Wahl, um Kasachstan zu einem neuen Bergbauzentrum zu machen. Ideale Umweltbedingungen und ausreichende Ressourcenverfügbarkeit machen dieses Land nach den angestrebten Kriterien. Daher erklärte sich die kasachische Regierung schließlich bereit, in ihrem Land eine Infrastruktur für den Abbau digitaler Vermögenswerte aufzubauen, um die Wirtschaft zu verbessern. Durch die Einbeziehung digitaler Elemente,
Geschäftsmodell und Dividende Facite Foundation
Die Facite Foundation betreibt auch kasachische Buskarten und Solarkraftwerke. Das Solarkraftwerk wird in Almaty, einer der drei größten Städte Kasachstans, gebaut. Die Facite Foundation wird einen Teil der Gewinne aus diesen beiden Projekten erhalten und an Facite-Token-Inhaber weitergeben.
Facite-Token-Inhaber erhalten Dividenden aus den Gewinnen des Bergbauzentrums Pavlodar Facite, des Buskartenprojekts Shimkent City und der Solarkraftwerksprojekte. Die den Inhabern zugewiesenen Gewinne können anhand der Dividendentabelle der Facite Foundation detailliert untersucht werden.
Förderung des Geschäfts mit erneuerbaren Energien durch die kasachische Regierung
KHAN 21 HOLDING betrat das Solarenergiefeld. Kaufen Sie eine Geschäftslizenz
Als Investmentgesellschaft ausgewählt – Projektgebiet Talgar City, Solarkraftwerk und Wasserkraft
Das erste koreanische Tor, das in Kasachstan zum Abschlussbericht des Ministeriums für Handel, Industrie und Energie gelangt ist
Erhalten Sie eine Lizenz für INNOB CO., Ltd
Einführung und Betrieb von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Geplant, ein U-Payment-System einzuführen
Optimale Umgebung, günstiger Strom
Rechenzentrum für Elektrogeräte mit Stadtunterstützung
Über 2 Millionen Bergbaumaschinen stehen zur Verfügung
49 Jahre Mietvertrag
billiger Strom Rechenzentrum und Elektrogeräte mit Stadtunterstützung. Über 2 Millionen Bergbaumaschinen stehen zur Verfügung, 49 Jahre Leasingverträge, die nach besseren Bergbaumärkten mit reichlich nachhaltiger Energie suchen. FACITE hat einen Schritt nach vorne, aber vor allem, weil es mit einigen Innovationen, die genutzt werden müssen, auch nachhaltige Renditen garantiert
Da Kasachstan das neunte Land der Welt ist, ist der Transportsektor der wichtigste Aspekt. Schlecht ausgebaute Verkehrsinfrastruktur wirkt sich direkt auf die Geschäftsentwicklung aus. Das Geschäftsmodell des FACITE-Projekts erweitert den Einsatz eines universellen automatischen Zahlungssystems. Solche Zahlungssysteme umfassen nicht nur Busse und Transportmittel, sondern auch den Einzelhandel, Apotheken, Kartenreservierungen, elektronische Geldverwaltungssysteme und Geldautomaten. Weitere Informationen zu Ihrem Buskartenplan finden Sie auf der Whitepaper-Seite. Der erforderliche Link befindet sich in der Beschreibung.
Eine weitere wichtige Richtung für die Entwicklung des Unternehmens FACITE ist die Solarenergie. Kasachstan ist sehr besorgt über den Umweltschutz, die Schaffung einer grünen Infrastruktur und erneuerbare Energiequellen. Kasachstan hat günstige geografische Bedingungen für die Erzeugung von Sonnenenergie. Experten prognostizieren unter diesen Bedingungen eine Entwicklung der Solarenergie in Kasachstan um durchschnittlich 17-32% pro Jahr. Darüber hinaus verfügt das Land über Siliziumreserven und es gibt Fabriken zur Herstellung von Solarzellen.
Tokens werden wie folgt verteilt:
- 40% werden in den Verkauf gehen
- 20% der Geschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmens
- 10% der Teammitglieder
- 10% Marketing
- 10% für Entwickler
- 5% Berater
- 5% Sicherung
Für weitere Informationen:
durch ; mamah67-
The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world.
Because of the access to the internet we are able to get information about one of the most incredible crypto-project which is known as Smathium
Expert Review
the reliable expertise of ICO had given a satisfy assessments based on the progress and the vision. clearly showing Smathium have the extraordinary solution that aiming for the current problem was happening. here the result following below
So, What is Smathium ???
Studies show that while customers love loyalty programs, they are not enjoying them to the maximum. A survey by CodeBroker shows that at least 54% of consumers are frustrated with their loyalty reward programs. The reasons for the frustrations include lack of differentiation and the fact that the majority only provide limited benefits. Also, implementing a robust loyalty reward program tends to be ridiculously expensive locking out the majority of businesses.
While incumbents such as departmental stores and airlines can afford to provide high-value membership programs to their customers, small and medium enterprises cannot. Smathium aims to bridge this gap by building a multi-business loyalty reward platform that is open to all types of businesses. At the heart of this platform is the goal of creating long term value for customers rather than serving as a short-term promotion.
Think of our solution as a Decentralized Application (dApp) where all businesses can create their loyalty reward programs powered by a single token. This token can be used for transactions across all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchanges. Smathium aim is to create a dApp where brands can connect their existing loyalty programs to a blockchain network. All transactions within our ecosystem are facilitated through the SMA
VISION Smathium
Smathium Introduces loyalty platform based on blockchain technology which solves the problem and limitation of the current loyalty program and provokes costumers to be more loyal to the brand. through the "SMATHIUM" platform, the brands can provide diverse benefits and services, like a membership in department store ,to the customers . and the customers can have much more opportunities by having integrated and high quality reward points and benefits
- Open Reward Structure
- Sufficient and Diffrentianted Reward System
- Sustainable marketing And Effect of Sales increase
- Improvement Of Security And Transparency by Combining Blockchain Tchnology
Smathium Builds blockchain baset platform serive when can be applied in various loyalty program and membership. it also provides one system by intergating various points and benefits which were separated in deffrent brands.
The Problem of Loyalty Program
Closed Structure
Customers cannot not use
The rewards they have received at other brands
Insufficient Rewards
Rewards provided are insufficient and
Do not attract interest from customers
Lack of Differentiation
Reward programs without differentiation
Makes customers leave.
Single Unified Coin
Customers can receive their rewards in a single form of cryptocurrency instead of different points for each brand. Smathium guarantees the rightful assets to its customers.
Tradable Benefits
Brands participated in Smathium Platform can buy and sell their benefits. Membership program is a new sales channel for large scale sales for the brands.
ICO TIME : 2019-05-13 - 2019-07-29
Token info
Token Name : SMT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
PreICO : price1 SMT = 0.003 USD
Price in ICO : 0.0060 USD
Average price : 0.01 USD
pre-ICO: 50% discount
ICO as IEO: 10% discount
Tokens for sale : 4,000,000,000
Investment info
Min. investment: 10 USD
Accepting : ETH
Distributed in ICO : 40%
Being a part of ICO project by joining the ICO are right decision. the thing to do all of you are described as following below :
1 Go to the official website register
2 Register in the form.
3 Confirm the mail. and follow the instruction are mentioned
Token And Fund Distribution Can be Accounted!!
The token that had been collected will use for several purposes. this things as accountable prove to all investor who has joined within smathium project
The Partners within the project is a must. there are benefits are gained by both of. of course, helping grow the value of the project and also become one of the ways to show the seriousness to broadcast the project to all people worldwide. here the list reliable partners of SMATHIUM . they welcome and appreciate the extraordinary idea behind the SMATHIUM . they are BLOCORE, UNITY ,MOBAIR,RANKEY and many more (there aren't any means concerning mentioning the order partners).
Press Love Smathium Project
Smathium project constantly discussed and talked because of the clear vision and the showing the breakthrough. the brilliant idea of Smathium has attracted the number of press and to publication Smathium to People also giving their assessments relate to the Smathium project. hereby introduce to you all of them are :
ROADMAP Showing great purpose to achieve !
Successful Project always has a purpose to reach. these points can be read easily on a roadmap to track every progress will be through on the project. easily shown on the roadmap to track the progress of the project. As you can see following below, the Roadmap of Smathium projects looks very clear and informing. the team has planned in detail the big amount of tasks to be done and to be through. just looks the roadmap truly promising.
Behind Every project, there is always a great and experienced professionals team. below you can see the Teams of SMATHIUM project consist of 10 people. They are experts & professionals in the various background. their capability and specialization had proven in several developments startup project and have knowledge in the blockchain. supported by their awesome experience will make SMATHIUM project always run on its right track. .You can also their profile biography and their track record on the LinkedIn that you can check out on SMATHIUM Official website (link below).You can also their profile biography and their track record on the LinkedIn that you can check out on SMATHIUM Official website (link below).
Further information:
I knew my review is far from completeness. surely there are many ideas relate to Smathium project in your mind. For further information please take a look at their official website, as well as their official communication channels. Also, please feel freely post questions and feedback in the comment, so I can try to answer them.
More: Informations:
Username : mamah67
Profile :;u=2594887
ETH: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c
Saturn Black is a platform for cross-chain exchanges directly from crypto assets. Decentralized protocols – the symbiosis of the convenience of direct atomic exchanges and the reliability of third party guarantors. Legal and safe transactions for crypto market players. The goal: creating a market that is qualitatively safe, new, and safe for crypto assets.
Saturn also provides P2P exchange services for traders, investors, companies and brokers and a series of studies to help find new methods in the crypto market maturation and increase land liquidity so that each user develops together. with this platform, each project will get an audit and liquidity from the version of the token, what future goals are part of the strategy on the market, so that each element will move the decomposition as a community of crypto players and create new markets that are liquid and secure a free market.
Most markets depend on specific changes and the volume of transactions to compete, Saturn creates conventional crypto alternatives, specific transactions for different volumes, compensation services, growing market calls for safe futures assets along with Bitcoin, Saturn ensures direct contact between sellers and buyers and assures security trade in automatic mode while maintaining event anonymity.
Saturn offers two-way liquidity for many assets independently. This will benefit the price. The Swap protocol to exchange commission fees is different from other exchanges where there is an additional commission that reaches 0.2 percent for each exchange transaction, 0.5 – 5% for each over the counter trade and 1 – 5 percent for auction transactions, but the final provision regarding fees will be decided when launched on the market.
Saturn also provides P2P exchange services for traders, investors, companies and brokers and a series of studies to help find new methods in the crypto market maturation and increase land liquidity so that each user develops together. with this platform, each project will get an audit and liquidity from the version of the token, what future goals are part of the strategy on the market, so that each element will move the decomposition as a community of crypto players and create new markets that are liquid and secure a free market.
Most markets depend on specific changes and the volume of transactions to compete, Saturn creates conventional crypto alternatives, specific transactions for different volumes, compensation services, growing market calls for safe futures assets along with Bitcoin, Saturn ensures direct contact between sellers and buyers and assures security trade in automatic mode while maintaining event anonymity.
Saturn offers two-way liquidity for many assets independently. This will benefit the price. The Swap protocol to exchange commission fees is different from other exchanges where there is an additional commission that reaches 0.2 percent for each exchange transaction, 0.5 – 5% for each over the counter trade and 1 – 5 percent for auction transactions, but the final provision regarding fees will be decided when launched on the market.
Public sales
XSAT Public Sales was held in January 2019. The team had to do a lot of work in all previous stages, so it was impossible to determine the exact date of the opening of Public sales. In the Public sales stage on the Saturn Platform, it will be available to purchase XSAT tokens in return for around 300 crypto assets.
At each stage, the price of XSAT and a list of received crypto assets are different. Up-to-date information on cost changes and the start of a new phase will be available on the project’s website.
After completing the Sales Token, the Saturn team will continue implementing road map articles. The XSAT Token will be available for trading on our platform, after completing the Sales Token. Also, during project implementation, following the principles of reasonable prices, we plan to place XSAT on the popular crypto exchange.
XSAT Public Sales was held in January 2019. The team had to do a lot of work in all previous stages, so it was impossible to determine the exact date of the opening of Public sales. In the Public sales stage on the Saturn Platform, it will be available to purchase XSAT tokens in return for around 300 crypto assets.
At each stage, the price of XSAT and a list of received crypto assets are different. Up-to-date information on cost changes and the start of a new phase will be available on the project’s website.
After completing the Sales Token, the Saturn team will continue implementing road map articles. The XSAT Token will be available for trading on our platform, after completing the Sales Token. Also, during project implementation, following the principles of reasonable prices, we plan to place XSAT on the popular crypto exchange.
Token details
Token: XSAT
Standard: ERC20
Amount: 1,000,000,000 XSAT
Platform: Ethereum
Token: XSAT
Standard: ERC20
Amount: 1,000,000,000 XSAT
Platform: Ethereum
Liquidity of Saturn Exchange Services and XSAT Tokens
Another reason for the decline in crypto asset prices at the moment, XSAT believes the players’ last departure from the market is “dying”. This means that players sell crypto assets without the purpose of repurchase. The lack of counter purchase requests makes the scenario most likely to fall for the market. No deliberate insider actions or actions from the project team make the situation hopeless. The bad volume of assets held by large investors will cause further price declines as soon as investors decide to fix their losses. And this is a matter of time. The idea of the Saturn team is to solve the problem of secondary demand by providing liquidity to a less liquid market.
Applying this concept, Saturn launched a service for transactions with crypto assets. XSAT tokens are the main asset of their exchange service. Saturn’s feature is that adding quotation assets to a list is simplified by determining the assets claimed by players by voting. The Saturn community is the main driver of liquidity on the platform. XSAT takes into account the trusted requests that come from their customers, in contrast to the paid lists that are popular in the market today. They continually stressed the need for purchase orders for counters in the secondary market and intend to ensure the purchase request in the maximum number of trading pairs with XSAT, BTC, ETH, and stablecoin. The basic deposit needed to maintain liquidity and profitability of their services, XSAT plans to allocate at least 50% of the funds collected by Sales Tokens. By registering XSAT tokens on public crypto exchanges, they intend to reduce the impact of Saturn’s services on the price of these tokens. For example, the trading volume of BNB tokens is 90% circulating in the Binance exchange; KCS is 100% in Coins exchange. XSAT thinks, to set a fair price, the distribution of trading volume cannot be so centralized. To do this, they try to get into the list of instruments traded on popular exchanges, when their communities grow.
Another reason for the decline in crypto asset prices at the moment, XSAT believes the players’ last departure from the market is “dying”. This means that players sell crypto assets without the purpose of repurchase. The lack of counter purchase requests makes the scenario most likely to fall for the market. No deliberate insider actions or actions from the project team make the situation hopeless. The bad volume of assets held by large investors will cause further price declines as soon as investors decide to fix their losses. And this is a matter of time. The idea of the Saturn team is to solve the problem of secondary demand by providing liquidity to a less liquid market.
Applying this concept, Saturn launched a service for transactions with crypto assets. XSAT tokens are the main asset of their exchange service. Saturn’s feature is that adding quotation assets to a list is simplified by determining the assets claimed by players by voting. The Saturn community is the main driver of liquidity on the platform. XSAT takes into account the trusted requests that come from their customers, in contrast to the paid lists that are popular in the market today. They continually stressed the need for purchase orders for counters in the secondary market and intend to ensure the purchase request in the maximum number of trading pairs with XSAT, BTC, ETH, and stablecoin. The basic deposit needed to maintain liquidity and profitability of their services, XSAT plans to allocate at least 50% of the funds collected by Sales Tokens. By registering XSAT tokens on public crypto exchanges, they intend to reduce the impact of Saturn’s services on the price of these tokens. For example, the trading volume of BNB tokens is 90% circulating in the Binance exchange; KCS is 100% in Coins exchange. XSAT thinks, to set a fair price, the distribution of trading volume cannot be so centralized. To do this, they try to get into the list of instruments traded on popular exchanges, when their communities grow.
Atomic Exchange Protocol Swap for Crypto Assets
The direct atomic exchange protocol allows for the exchange of cryptographic assets, initially incompatible blocking science, without the participation of a third party. For example, through an atomic transaction, it is possible to exchange Bitcoin for Litecoin directly from wallets. Swap exchange protocol guarantees that the transaction is not fulfilled.
The direct atomic exchange protocol allows for the exchange of cryptographic assets, initially incompatible blocking science, without the participation of a third party. For example, through an atomic transaction, it is possible to exchange Bitcoin for Litecoin directly from wallets. Swap exchange protocol guarantees that the transaction is not fulfilled.
In our example, Bill has Bitcoin, and Sarah has an XSAT token. Let’s say, Bill wants to buy an XSAT token from Sarah, and Sara is ready to sell it for Bill’s Bitcoin. Through the Swap protocol, Bill and Sarah made a transaction, a counter asset, provided each of them fulfilled the terms of the transaction. If the terms and conditions are not fulfilled, nothing will happen and more important, the loss will not occur. The exchange is example in already implemented in the Swap protocol.
Road map 2.0
- Launching Saturn – First liquidity token, November 2018
Start Token Sale & launching Saturn token (XSAT). Primary sale of tokens and fundraising for launching the platform. See more information about tokens - Escrow Transactions, February 2019
Buying and selling crypto assets through escrow account for payment on a brokerage order quantity from 50 BTC.
Register and place an order - Direct atomic Swap exchange, February 2019
Launch of the atomic OTC exchange Saturn token (XSAT) in pairs with BTC & USDT. Go to exchange - Listing XSAT token on crypto exchange, March 2019
Buy Saturn token now with +150 crypto assets. Go to purchase - Issue of a Saturn Black payment card, April 2019
Saturn Black X – payment card with an annual limit of €300,000. Limit edition for holders of 10,000 Saturn tokens. Daily payments, brokerage account, purchase of crypto assets online at market price, cash around the world and many bonuses for cardholders. Pre-order payment card Saturn Black - Mobile Payments & Broker app Saturn Black, July 2019
Mobile application Saturn Black Broker in GooglePlay / AppStore. Launch a payment system account linked to a payment card and brokerage account - Security tokens OTC trading platform, 3Q 2019
Trade with security tokens on the Saturn Black platform. Investment contracts on the blockchain with full support of a licensed European broker and simple mobile management through the application.
For more perfect information you can visit the links below:
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Bitcointalk Username: mamah67
Bitcointalk Link Profil:;u=2594887
Eth addrees: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c
Mei 26, 2019
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaBitcointalk Username: mamah67
Bitcointalk Link Profil:;u=2594887
Eth addrees: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c