경제를 변화시킨 두 가지 용어 인 블록 체인 기술과 크라우드 펀딩우리가 알고있는 세상. 한편으로, 우리는 활성화 된 블록 체인 기술을 가지고 있습니다
더 많은 개인 정보 보호, 보안,
다른 전통적인 금융 시스템보다 투명성과 효율성. 반면에
크라우드 펀딩 현상으로 유망한 작은 아이디어가 큰 프로젝트로 바뀌 었습니다.
이와 관련하여 세계를 이끄는 사람들에게 더 쉬운 재정적 수단을 제공함으로써 비즈니스
iOWN에서는 이러한 변화를 목격했으며 이러한 변화가 빠른 변화를 나타낸다고 생각합니다
긍정적 인 영향. iOWN은 두 블록 체인 기술의 장점을 결합하고자합니다
블록 체인이 지원하는 새로운 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼을 만들기위한 크라우드 펀딩 개념
투자자와 혁신가를 연결할 것입니다.
iOWN은 투자가 발생하고 처리되는 방식의 결함과 단점을 극복합니다
현재 금융 시스템에서. 회사를 자주 확장하려는 비즈니스 소유자
계획에 자금을 조달하기 위해 대출이 필요하지만 거의 항상 엄격한 절차를 찾습니다.
그들이 목표를 달성하지 못하게하는 재정적 함의와 제약. iOWN 대상
수익성있는 투자 기회를 찾고있는 적절한 자본에 접근 할 수있는 사람들
신뢰할 수 있지만 경험과 지식이 없거나 시간이없는 프로젝트
그런 종류의 투자. iOWN은 약물로 기능하기 위해 시작된 블록 체인 기술 플랫폼입니다
이러한 상황에서 사업주와 투자자가 만나는 길을 열 수 있습니다.
디지털 시장을 확보하고 자금을 확보하고 현명한 투자를 할 수있는 기회를 늘리십시오.
iOWN은 사람들이 사업 운영 (또는 유망한 사업)의 일원이 될 수있는 쉬운 접근성을 제공하는 것을 목표로합니다.
최소 노력과 최대 가치로 시작). 우리는 똑똑한 아이디어를 현실로 바꾸는 것을 목표로합니다.
사업; 우리는 비즈니스 소유자에게 디지털 지원을 제공하여 개선, 확장 및
비즈니스 마케팅을 통해 더 많은 자금을 창출하고 성공을 공유 할 수 있습니다
아이유 개념
iOWN은 두 가지 방식으로 문제를 처리합니다. 블록 체인이 지원하는 디지털 플랫폼
포괄적 인 생태계. 쌍둥이 개념은 투자를 현대화하고 단순화합니다
모든 유형의 사용자가 액세스 할 수있는 분산 시장을 통한 기회
초보자부터 전문가까지) 및 전 세계 비즈니스 소유자. 이를 위해 우리는 분류했습니다
다음 섹션에 대한 실행 프로세스
IOWN 플랫폼-비즈니스 캠페인, 기금 모금 및
정부. 플랫폼 펀드는 글로벌 펀딩 캠페인을 통해 수집되며
iOWN 플랫폼 펀드 상을 수상한 모든 참가자는이를 이용할 수 있습니다.
플랫폼 서비스가 릴리스 된 후 혜택을 얻기 위해 구매 한 토큰.
iOWN 생태계-생태계는 iOWN 플랫폼 서비스의 구현에 대해 논의합니다. 사용자
플랫폼에 액세스하여 관심있는 서비스를 선택할 수 있습니다. iOWN 생태계
디지털 및 물리적 거래를하고 서비스 결과를
토큰 소유 및 스마트 계약 형태의 사용자. UOWN 토큰은 수동, 수동, 양도 불가능 인벤토리 토큰이며 거래 가능한 API 키가 없습니다. 이 발행 한
iOWN Ecosystem은 비즈니스 캠페인에서 수입을받을 권리를 나타냅니다.

솔루션 (당사의 경쟁 우위)
iOWN은 사람들이 최소한의 노력과 최대 가치로 신뢰할 수있는 비즈니스 (또는 유망한 스타트 업)의 일원이 될 수있는 손쉬운 액세스를 제공합니다. 우리는 현명한 아이디어를 실제 비즈니스로 전환합니다. 우리는 비즈니스 소유자에게 디지털 지원을 제공하여 비즈니스를 개선, 확장 및 마케팅하여 더 많은 자금을 창출하고 모든 사람과 성공을 공유 할 수 있도록합니다.
시장 소개
투자 분야는 새로운 것이 아니라 비즈니스와 투자가 위치한 방식
그 이후로 행해진 일은 진화했습니다. 2000 년대 초부터 우리는 세상이 존재한다고 믿었습니다.
디지털 혁신의 일부. 다음 지불 시스템 진화 차트를 고려하십시오.

결제 시스템은 시장 요구에 맞게 빠르게 발전하고 변화하고 있습니다.
사용자 프로세스를 단순화합니다.
그러나 다음에는 어떻게됩니까? 가장 현대적인 확장에 대한 미래의 수요를 어떻게 충족시킬 수 있습니까?
투자 영역에 대한 분산 지불 시스템? 답 : 블록 체인을 기반으로하는 분산 형 투자로 누구나 이용할 수있는 미래형 투자 플랫폼.
다음 섹션에서는 비즈니스에 사용되는 일반적인 용어와
프로젝트에 포함될 투자 도메인.

커뮤니티 링크 :
웹 사이트 : https://www.iowntoken.com
트위터 : https://www.iowntoken.com
전보 : https://t.me/iOWNToken
링크드 인 : https://t.me/iOWNToken
페이스 북 : https://www.facebook.com/iOWNToken/
레딧 : https://www.reddit.com/r/p2psf/
유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gsYQsL0yYCShOYUGP5WA
저자 :
Bitcointalk 사용자 이름 : mamah67
링크 : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2594887 mamamuda Agustus 31, 2019 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Belifex blockchain is a blockchain database that supports and encourages community development and social interaction thanks to cryptocurrency prize payments. The Belifex Blockchain will focus primarily on all concepts of social media, advertising, artificial intelligence and platforms for collective adoption. Donations and charities are the key to collective adoption. An important key to inspiring people to participate is a free market currency or economy while building a system to support it. The contribution of each person, will be a source of income. Belifex will be the first cryptocurrency to try to give accurate and transparent rewards to individuals who make independent contributions to their community, charity and donations.
What is Belifex (BEFX)?
Belifex is an Ethereum based token that allows fast and personal transactions on the blockchain. With the creation of a decentralized social media exchange platform, it will start creating its own ecosystem.
Focus Area:
Code Distribution:
1.1. Social Media: 1.2. Payment Gateway: 1.3. Advertising: 1.4. Donation and startup: 1.5. Artificial Intelligence: 1.6. Health Care: 1.7. CEX and DEX exchange platform
Expected Product:
Belifex Social: This is a platform that allows people to receive BEFX coins for content they write or create
Payment Platform: Payment platform for websites / web workshops to implement BEFX easily on the platform, there is a kind of database that stores plugins
Belifex Advertising Services: Advertising and donation platform for companies and startup companies
Market: Create a place where you can buy and sell goods. Machine learning tools:
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Games that use the VRSocial Health app:
Application performance, users will be rewarded when access to prizes. For example, you run 5 miles each time. This is great for getting sports people to take the train.
Belifex Exchange Platform: Belifex will create two exchange platforms for its community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable the trading of tokens and erc20 currencies.
Token Information
Token name: Belifex
symbol: BEFX
Platform: Ethereum
ERC20 type
Total supply: 1000,000,000 BFEX
Belifex Social:
This is a platform that allows people to receive BEFX coins for content they write or create
Payment platform: platform
payment for website workshop / website to implement BEFX easily on the platform there, the type of database that stores plugins
Belifex Advertising Services:
an advertising and donation platform for companies and startups
Create a place where you can buy and sell goods.
Application and machine learning tools:
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Augmented Reality:
Games that use VR
Social Health Application
: application performance, users will be rewarded when access to prizes. For example, you run 5 miles each time. This is great for getting sports people to take the train.
Belifex exchange platform: Belifex
will create 2 exchange platforms for the community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable the trading of tokens and erc20 currencies.
Belifex Team
Further information:
Telegram: https://t.me/belifex_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BelifexE
Website: https://belifex.com/
Exchange: https://belifex.com/wheretotrade/
My BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2594887 mamamuda Agustus 30, 2019 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia

Industri real estat dikatakan dan terbukti sebagai jenis industri yang luar biasa karena metode perdagangan tradisionalnya telah diturunkan selama berabad-abad. Sejak awal, ia telah mempertahankan reputasinya sebagai salah satu jalan berpenghasilan tertinggi hingga zaman modern ini.
Alasannya sederhana. Informasi terbaik hanya ada di sumber utamanya.
Orang-orang strategis, biasanya para profesional elit adalah ahli dalam memperoleh sumber informasi utama ini. Mereka dapat memposisikan diri mereka dalam keuntungan terbaik untuk menghasilkan uang besar. Dibandingkan dengan orang-orang yang hanya memperoleh informasi dari apa yang disampaikan oleh para profesional elit, mereka tidak akan tahu penilaian yang sebenarnya atau informasi yang sebenarnya.
Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa industri real estat bernilai $ 200 Triliun, hanya sedikit orang yang dapat berpartisipasi sebagai investor. Itu karena biaya investasi minimum yang diperlukan bisa mulai dari $ 20.000 atau lebih tinggi tetapi pada saat yang sama, investasi pada real estat tidak mengecualikan investor dari banyak risiko. Sama seperti jenis bisnis lainnya, mereka juga terkena penipuan, kepercayaan yang terputus, penyelesaian proyek yang tertunda dan banyak faktor lainnya. Karena risiko-risiko ini, tidak semua investor di bidang real estat akan memperoleh keuntungan. Kebangkrutan juga bisa terjadi.

Inilah alasan mengapa C Estates dirumuskan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membangun kembali harapan bagi mereka yang telah melepaskan investasi real estat dan kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan kembali kerugian mereka.
C Estates menawarkan peluang investasi yang sama dan informasi investasi yang andal bagi semua investor.
Selain itu, kami bertujuan untuk menciptakan lingkungan di mana transaksi real estat dapat dilakukan secara real time di mana pun mereka berada di dunia.

Jika Anda seseorang yang tertarik untuk menemukan sensasi terbaru tentang teknologi, dan ini pertama kalinya Anda duduk dalam grup obrolan orang-orang teknis yang ramah, kemungkinan besar Anda akan mendengar mereka berbicara tentang cryptocurrency, blockchain, dan tokenization. Saya yakin ini semua kedengarannya jargon bagi Anda. Setiap pemula seperti Anda di forum mungkin ingin dapat berpartisipasi, mendapatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan dan berbagi pendapat Anda. Nah, sebelum Anda terjun dalam mempelajari hal-hal baru mereka, mari pastikan Anda akan berenang bersama mereka di lautan yang sama.
Apa itu Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency adalah kombinasi dari kata-kata kriptografi, kriptologi dan mata uang yang, dalam istilah awam adalah uang digital. Namun sebagian besar dari kita, tidak sepenuhnya menyadari tentang apa sebenarnya uang digital dan hype di sekitarnya di dunia teknologi saat ini.

Kriptografi adalah seni kuno menyembunyikan informasi rahasia dengan cara yang hanya dapat dipahami oleh penerima yang dituju.
Ada ratusan teknik kriptografi sejak zaman kuno dan salah satunya adalah scytale yang digunakan oleh orang Yunani dan Spartan kuno selama kampanye militer. Teknik scytale ditulis pada strip perkamen melilit silinder. Penerima scytale dapat mendekripsi pesan dengan membungkus strip kulitnya di sekitar batang dan kemudian membaca pesan di seberang.
Contoh dari ciphertext dapat berupa: "Iryyatbhmvaehedlurlp". Setiap huruf kelima akan muncul di baris yang sama, sehingga plaintext (setelah penyisipan ulang spasi) menjadi: "Saya terluka sangat membantu".
Cryptology di sisi lain adalah studi tentang bagaimana mengeksekusi teknik baru dalam membuat informasi rahasia lebih tersembunyi. Banyak metode ini telah dibawa turun-temurun.
Kriptologi telah maju di setiap peradaban. Seiring kemajuan orang, begitu pula kriptologi yang sekarang menyebabkan hype di dunia virtual dan digital. Menggabungkan banyak bahasa komputer yang sulit dikodekan dan teknik pemrograman ditambah seni menyembunyikan informasi rahasia adalah asal uang digital.
Cryptocurrency adalah uang yang digunakan di dunia digital. Mungkin Anda pernah mendengar tentang beberapa nama terkenal seperti bitcoin, ETH of Ethereum, XEM NEM dan banyak lainnya yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membeli, menjual dan melakukan transaksi dan membayar biaya online.
C Estates percaya pada pemikiran ke depan, inovasi dan kreativitas yang karenanya juga memiliki mata uang digital sendiri, xCET.

Tapi apa yang membuat cryptocurrency aman? 2 teknologi lain yang disebut blockchain dan tokenization adalah faktor kunci yang memainkan peran penting tentang bagaimana C Estates membangun standar masa depan transaksi real estat online. Kami akan berbicara lebih banyak tentang blockchain dan tokenization pada bab-bab yang akan datang!
Demikian ulasan kami tentang proyek C Estates semoga ulasan ini berguna untuk anda terima kasih.
Untuk informasi lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
WEBSITE: https://cestates.io/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cestates.io/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cestates_io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/cestates_io
ALAMAT WALLET: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c
Agustus 29, 2019
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaInvesting in real diamond 2019
About Icoin International
iCoin is tokenizing the most valuable commodity in the world - diamonds, symbols of eternal love, commitment and romance, as well as excellent industrial elements. The symbolic meaning is related to the historic memorial of eternal love, the name of the stone derived from the Greek word adamas, which translates to "invincible".
What is an Initail Exchange Offers (IEO) and how can I participate?
IEO is a new form of crypto financing that is increasingly popular lately. What this practice does is introduce crypto exchange into a project-fundraising effort in a more direct, centralized, and direct way. Exchanges are basically partners in the entire process of launching tokens, allowing the crypto project to raise funds directly on the exchange platform. Go to LAToken . com to participate in ICOIN IEO Instrument
Token Information
Network: Ethereum
Token type: ERC20
Total Supply: 600 mln ICOIN
Token Price: $ 1.00 USD
Accepted currency: BTC, ETH, USD
Minnimum purchase: 100 ICOIN
Soft cap: 3.5 mln ICOIN
Hard cap: 10.0 mln ICOIN iCoin
Bounty Allocation
250 000 iCoin are allocated for the Bounty campaign, which means up to 250 000$(1 icoin = 1$)!
Twitter : 30%
Facebook: 30%
Blog and Video: 15%
Signature: 10%
Telegram: 10%
LinkedIn: 5%
Facebook: 30%
Blog and Video: 15%
Signature: 10%
Telegram: 10%
LinkedIn: 5%
Advantages of iCoin
Diamond will be always has intrinsic value that is universally recognized, being a safe haven asset that is time-tested. You can buy iCoin International tokens as a hedge against the unstable crypto market.
We sell iCoin for $ 3.5 million to start operations and mine 45 carats per day, 300 days per year. Diamond results are used to grow the value of iCoin as presented in the White Paper.
Token iCoin can be easily transferred to all partners, exchange, or our platform in Ethereum. Tokens can also be easily stored and transferred between wallets that are compatible with ERC20.
verifiers and third party auditors ensure that the mining process is fully transparent both in real time and in the future. The results of our protocol timestamp display a secure cryptographic system.
ICoin holders will have full visibility of digital ownership, transactions, inventory records and mining results in an invoative manner that offers security that is not provided by traditional diamond mining.
iCoin International launch
Initial Exchange offering kickoff
Machinery acquisition
Site preparation
Workforce mobilization
River diverting
Extraction kickoff
Q1 - Q4
Return of investment
First market injection
Mining potential growth
Other mining sites identification
Continuous market injection
Other types of natural resources identification
Operations expansion
iCoin International launch
Initial Exchange offering kickoff
Machinery acquisition
Site preparation
Workforce mobilization
River diverting
Extraction kickoff
Q1 - Q4
Return of investment
First market injection
Mining potential growth
Other mining sites identification
Continuous market injection
Other types of natural resources identification
Operations expansion
Team iCoin International

More info:
Website: https://icoin.ws/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5172796
Telegram: https://t.me/projecticoin_group
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projecticoin
Bitcointalk Username: mamah67
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2594887
ETH: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c
Agustus 29, 2019
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaWebsite: https://icoin.ws/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5172796
Telegram: https://t.me/projecticoin_group
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projecticoin
Bitcointalk Username: mamah67
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2594887
ETH: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c

ParamountDax is marketed as a crypto-crypto-crypto-fiat trading platform; this is guaranteed by the fact that even before the official launch, this exchange has already received licenses for direct crypto-fiat exchange and the right to provide services related to the PRDX TOKEN wallet
Like any ICO, respect for fund-raising start-up occurs through the sale of a token. In this case, ParamountDax launched the PRDX token whose current value is 0.15. The decisive factor that draws the line between bankruptcy projects and potentially important projects is to “secure” their token a key function in the project. PRDX refers to the second case, since it will be very convenient to store a certain amount of this token within the exchange (based on the capital that you can afford to invest) ParamountDax, in fact, decided to follow the footsteps of the Binance and KuCoin gauges exchange, since it “rewards” the owners tokens at the expense of trade commission discount and PRDX daily remuneration.
Trade Charges
ParamountDax sales fees are as follows: 0.12% for Maker orders and 0.25% for Taker orders (the definition of Maker and Taker can be found here. For PRDX owners, discounts on fees follow this simple table: Daily reward
ParamountDax is definitely dividend distribution mechanism for PRDX holders: These dividends come from daily trading fees, and ParamountDax reserves 46% of this amount to divide it among PRDX holders, as shown in the following table. As you can see, there are 4 different groups in the first place : silver, gold, platinum and black, separated according to the amount of PRDX belonging to one investor (second column).
The third column shows how the percentages of sales fees are distributed to different groups. For Silver Line, 25% of the daily fees are reserved, but it will also be divided into 3 other groups. Gold Line will have a total share of 25% and an additional 10%, which will be shared only with Platinum and Black Line. The platinum line will have a share of 25 and 10% plus 7%, which will be shared only with blacks; therefore, the latter will have all percentages divided by the previous groups, plus 4%, which he will not share with anyone.
I understand that this is not easy, so I give an example in the Whitepaper project
Suppose the daily volume is 5,000,000 dollars. The
total amount of the commission will be: 5,000,000 x 0.37% (0.25% fraudster 0.12% maker) 18,500
we take the maximum for discounts on trade commissions (first table): 18,500 25% 13.875 The total amount reserved for daily remuneration is: 13.875 46% 6.382
Now let's calculate the number of PRDX tokens reserved for each group, taking into account the current value of the token 0.15:
Silver line: $ 13.875 25% $ 3.468, which corresponds to 23.120 PRDX
Gold line: 13.875 10% 1.387, which corresponds to 9.246 PRDX
Platinum line: 13.875 7% 971 which corresponds to 6.473 PRDX
Black line: 13.875 4% 555 which corresponds to 3700 PRDX
Silver line will share PRDX 23.120 with the other 3 groups (23.120: 4 5780 PRDX), Gold will share PRDX 9.246 with platinum and black line, then 9.246: 3 3.082 PRDX. Platinum divides 6,473 PRDX with a black line, for which 6,473: 2 is 3,236, while the black line will have 3,700 PRDX in full.
The total number of PRDX that will fall into different groups:
Silver Line: 5.780 PDRX
Gold Line: 5.780 3.082 8.862 PRDX
Platinum Line: 5.780 3.082 3.236 12.098 PRDX
Black Line: 5.780 3.082 3.236 3.700 9.798 PRDX The PramountDax
program then determines how many PRDX are in different groups.
Assuming that:
Silver Line 35,000,000 PRDX tokens
Gold Line has 20,000,000 PRDX tokens
in a platinum line 15,000,000 PRDX tokens
on the Black Line 10,000,000 PRDX tokens
The reward for each token will be:
for Silver Line 5.780: 35.000.000 0.000165 PRDX
for the gold line 8 862: 20 000 000 0 000443 PRDX
for the Platinum Line 12.098: 15.000.000 0.000806 PRDX
for the black line 15 798: 10 000 000 0.001579 PRDX
For the total reward, multiply the reward by the number of PRDX held, for example:
for 5000 PRDX (Silver Line) the reward will be: 5000 x 0.000165 0.825 PDRX ($ 0.12 per day).
owning 13,000 PRDX (Gold Line), the reward will be: 13,000 x 0 000443 5,759 PRDX 0.86 per day)
owning 30,000 PRDX (Platinum Line), the reward will be: 30,000 x 0 000806 24.18 PRDX 3.6 per day)
for 60,000 PRDX (black line) the reward will be: 60,000 x 0,001579 94,74 PRDX 14,2 per day)
We understand how changing daily volumes and cost of a token even daily rewards change.
This reward system will surpass the current KuCoin system, which takes 50% of daily fees and distributes remuneration for each token that is equal to all.
Other strengths of the project:
The strengths of this project include: a liquidity pool, trading from a chart, burglary insurance, and over-the-counter market support (without a prescription). Let's analyze them one by one.
Liquidity pool
One of the biggest problems for exchanges, especially in the first period after launch, is liquidity, an important parameter that allows users to trade in a short time. ParamountDax solved this problem by guaranteeing a collective pool of liquidity, which consists of an order book shared by various exchanges.
Trading with a Chart (TFC) The
tool is definitely innovative in the world is the exchange of trade criptovalute from a chart. This type of trading is one of the characteristics of MetaTrader, one of the most popular Forex trading platforms in the world. Thanks to this feature, you can open / close positions, set or move stop loss / take profit simply by clicking on the chart. This is another factor that distinguishes PramountDax from other exchanges.
Burglary Insurance
Exchange must first guarantee a good level of security for users. Many traders saw the exchange emptying their funds due to hacker attacks. No exchange can be considered safe, just think that Binance (exchange No. 1 in the world) was stolen from 7,000 BTC after hacking. Binance in this case turned out to be a serious exchange and, thanks to a foundation that was created independently, guaranteed its return to users of everything that was stolen from them.
ParamountDax wants to adhere to the same position and immediately decided to insure against possible hacker attacks for the mistakes of employees of the same company. If during the ICO 9,310,000 dollars is raised, ParamountDax will receive insurance with BitGo, which will cover the amount of 100,000,000 dollars.
OTC Market (OTC) The
OTC market is increasingly used in the bitcoin market, especially by large investors. This is a market in which negotiations take place outside the stock exchange, and the price is determined based on the supply and demand of the two parties.
ParamountDax also implemented this feature, providing a platform for over-the-counter negotiations. Obviously, not everyone will be able to use this service, but only those who have passed the KYC (identity check) and have at least 5000 PRDX tokens. Charges for this market are 0.5%. Thus, ParamountDax also allows those who are not “big whales” to take advantage of the over-the-counter market: at the current exchange rate with an investment of $ 750, you may be eligible to trade on the over-the-counter market.
ICO: details
I have already mentioned that ICO began on May 18 and will end on September 23, 2019.
This period will be divided into 3 parts:
Presale period: from 18/05 to 23/06 and the one who buys the PRDX token will receive a 32% bonus.
Sale period: from 24/06 to 19/08 with a 12% bonus.
Private sales: a period dedicated to institutional and selected investors ( 35% bonus) The
initial price, as already mentioned, is $ 0.15 for the PRDX token, and the minimum purchase is 500 PRDX ($ 75). Tokens not sold during an ICO will be burned.
The policy of repurchase and burning is very interesting. The initial total stock is 100,000,000 PRDX tokens that will continually burn to a total of 65,000,000 tokens: this deflationary maneuver will increase the value of PRDX. The process of redemption and recording will start from 03/30/2020, and every quarter PramountDax will use 5-10% of net profit to record PRDX tokens. Below is a summary table.
In the last days in the Telegram group, the team announced that, in addition to holding an ICO, IEO will be launched at the end of June (click here if you want to deepen the topic) on 2-3 leading exchanges.
The names of these exchanges have not yet been disclosed, since the official status is still absent, but the mere fact that the team revealed itself in this way means that the agreements are at an advanced stage. In addition, it was again announced on the telegram that the exchanges in which PRDX will be listed are in the top 30 and 20 in the world.
Detailed information:
Website: https://www.paramountdax.io/
White paper: https://www.paramountdax.io/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParamountDax
Telegram: https://t.me/ParamountDaxICO
Author by : mamah67
Bitcointalk Profil Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2594887