When investing in crypto spaces, you need to be verified effectively. In this way if one component goes down it can be easily offset by the same benefits in other components. This course discusses the basic definitions and concepts around blockchain, bitcoin, smart contracts, tokens, and all potential business applications. It will also show you how to get started with Bitcoin and other digital currencies.
The Decentralized Mindset Institute is the first in its field A decentralized online course runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The first course will be provided by the Decentralization mindset team which will be a cryptocurrency course, Money course, also a course on Global economics, a course on money history, federal reserve history, central bank history. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform is for users to create any subject and sell their courses on the Decentralized Mindset platform using DMST tokens.
The benefit of the DMST platform is that the course provider does not need to collect payments from trusted third-party banks or credit card companies. They will deal with peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a token and decentralized payment system (DMST Token).
Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through the Proof of Stake (POS) algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in the industry but they will be trained in a great decentralized mindset that will change the whole world there.
What is a token?
"Token" is often used as a synonym for "cryptocurrency" (AKA "cryptocurrency token"), because cryptocurrency exists as tokenized data (a type of encrypted data that is used both in cryptocurrency and computer security in general). However, sometimes people use the term token to specifically refer to digital assets that are in another cryptocurrency blockchain (for example, OMG is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain). However, that's not all, so read on. In computer security and crypto currencies, the term token usually refers to a series of numbers and letters, which do not contain real data, but refer to real data (this cryptographic code is a "substitute" for real data). In computer security, this type of token can be called a "security token" (not to be confused with securities).
Decentralized Mindset Institute is the 1st state of the art Decentralized online courses run on the Ethereum blockchain. The first courses will be provided by the Decentralized mindset team which will be cryptocurrency courses, Money courses, also courses on Global economics, courses on the history of money the history of the federal reserve the history of the central banks. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform will be for users to create any course of any subject and sale their courses on the Decentralized Mindset platform using the DMST token. The benefit of the DMST platform is the providers of courses will not need to collect payments from trusted 3rd party banks or credit card companies. They will deal peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a decentralized token and payment system (DMST Token). Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through a (POS) Proof of Stake algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in this industry but they will be trained in a masterful Decentralized mindset which will transform there the entire world.
Decentralized Mindset Token
Decentralized Mindset Institute is the 1st state of the art Decentralized online courses run on the Ethereum blockchain. The first courses will be provided by the Decentralized mindset team which will be cryptocurrency courses, Money courses, also courses on Global economics, courses on the history of money the history of the federal reserve the history of the central banks. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform will be for users to create any course of any subject and sale their courses on the Decentralized Mindset platform using the DMST token. The benefit of the DMST platform is the providers of courses will not need to collect payments from trusted 3rd party banks or credit card companies. They will deal peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a decentralized token and payment system (DMST Token). Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through a (POS) Proof of Stake algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in this industry but they will be trained in a masterful Decentralized mindset which will transform there the entire world.
Amount of tokens 150 000 000:
66.7% ICO (100,000,000)
20% Bounty (30,000,000)
3.3% Referral Pool (5,000,000)
3.3% Airdrop (5,000,000)
3.3% Operation cost (5,000,000)
3.3% Contest Giveaways (5,000,000)
Name: Decentralized Mindset Token
Type: ERC20
Symbol: DMST
Platform: Ethereum
General release: 150,000,000 DMST
Contract: 0xced8be08a2b5d2cba4e4c0b51e8d173f9568eace
Decimal: 18
- January 2018
Started Creation of the White Papers
The White papers for the Decentralized Mindset Institute were conceived and Writing with the concept to create the first Decentralized Platform for online courses. This document was created with authenticity and original research with regards to the online course data and information with the intentions to disrupt this $ 325 Billion Industry. The Decentralized Mindset Institute coin has a POS standard smart contract and a DAPP with the intentions not just to have a coin but to add functionality to our tokens.
- March 2018
Start Developing Smart Contracts
The smart contracts where developed with the Proof of Stake Standard as we desired to motivate people to earn rewards staking our tokens which could add value to our tokens as well as teach people how to stake. It was really a task to create our smart contract with the specific algorithm 100% rewards the first year, 50% the 2nd year and 3% the next 10 or 11 years after. We ran several tests in order to make sure that this Proof of Stake would work as we desired. The DMSI Token will not only be used to exchange for the decentralized course but it will be used for participants to stake.
- June 2018
Developing ICO Concept and Ideology
The Initial ICO Plan included bitcoin talk and a Bounty Manager following the ICO traditional methodology. We envisioned the entire world understanding that there is a very strong demand for a more decentralized mentality and reality in order for the people to reach economic financial freedom. We would use the influence of bounty hunters all around the world to basically focus on the bitcoin talk as the main source of the ICO bounty team. Our mindset was mainly focused on the ideal.
- July 2018
Marketing Plan Creation & Advertising Strategy
We have been studying online marketing for over 5 years and we have studied with the top online marketing companies in the industry starting with the great company Empower Network and learning how to blog Vlog and create massive traffic funnels. We have learned the top data services companies within the Crypto Currency Industry. We fully understand CPC, PPC Banner ad marketing, Creating Funnels, Bing Ads and marketing on social media. We decided that we must first understand the market upon which we are trying to disrupt and find the audience that we are targeting and offering them a solution to a big problem which is the same problem for most of us which are transactions, Charge backs, hacking of information and fees of transactions. Our marketing. Our Marketing strategy has the capability of reaching millions within the crypto currency industry.
- August 2018
DMST ICO Website starts its Original Development
We used our own in house web designers from our team to develop our website as we took much pride in the project. We as a team created a vision of creating the First Decentralized Platform for Online Classes. We actually paid a guy in India to do our website in the beginning but to our surprise after half the website was finished the guy ran off with our funds leaving us at a disarray nevertheless our commitment to this project and all the funds which we had already invested we decided to let one of our in-house team members complete the project.
- November 2018
ICO Platform Site & Finalizing Launch Testing
The Decentralized Mindset Team started becoming more familiar with the website features and platform testing its functions and testing with bitcoin and Ethereum tests. We went through several tests making sure that we could provide for participants in theount as well as the token purchasers.
- December 2018
Creation of Bounty Bitcoin Talk platform & ANN
The Team contacted a bounty manager months prior to the creation of the launch. We worked with this guy for 6 months and finally where ready to launch Announcement. We gave him the entire team and the project upon which the development started for the announcement!
- January 2019
We Intended On Starting Our Pre-ICO On Bitcoin Talk
We intended on starting this project on January 2019 on Bitcoin talk. We Officially Announced our ICO to Bitcoin talk on January 14, 2019. A blogger who was looking for recognition saw our ICO on January 03, 2019 and because it was still in construction we still had photos which came with the ICO template for the website. This guy who no one knows as Bitcoin Talk Bloggers hide behind their usernames posted on January the 3rd that we had a fake team but we never officially launched until January 14, 2019 When our official announcement came out from our Bounty manager. It was a witch hunt. We realize that bitcointalk is a centralized platform with many infiltrations of the powers to be and has a real problem with a company called the Decentralized Mindset Institute. Immediately our Bounty manager went to our defense and Showed that we officially Announced our Bounty and Announcement on January 14,2019. It was all lies in order to stop a movement called the Decentralized Mindset Institute. It is ironic how we share our entire team and all their qualifications but these bloggers on bitcoin talk only use usernames and we know not who they really are in reality.
- February 2019
Reconstructed the Entire Concept of Bounty
The Decentralized Mindset Institute after only 3 days was told the entire team that we would prove all wrong and that our vision would continue. We immediately decided no single platform will have the final decision of our dreams and that we needed to decentralize the whole process of an ICO as this is a method that average people have to obtain the funding to develop their ideas. We created a website with all the functionality to decentralize this process. We will not allow anyone or the platform to totally control our Destiny or our reach to the public.
- March 2019
Creation of New Website, Creation of the New Methodology for ICO Bounty
Based on our experience of being singled out on our first attempt to launch, we decided to never allow anyone to control the flow of our traffic. We also realized that we needed to Decentralize the Process of ICO bounties. and put the People more in control of the future of an ICO or Bounties. Now with this in consideration we created the new website as well as the concept and ideology for the Bounty and ICO.
- May 2019
Create New Partnership Decentralize Entire Bounty Process
The Crypto Currency Industry although has the potential to become the most powerful innovative technology ever in the History of the World, It also has the potential to become the most dangerous technology with the power to enslave us more than any current government, banks, institutions or The system if we are not conscious of all its possibilities. Our mission is not just to launch this project but we are creating an entire new way to decentralize the process of the ICO Crowdfunding and bounty platform. We have also made new partnerships which will be announced during the bounty and Initial coin Offer.
- July 2019
Rebuild Bounty Platform on the DMST Platform Restructure The Marketing Plan
We have rebuilt the ICO Bounty platform on the DMST Website, although we have found several Bounty managers capable of managing our ICO on several Platforms our DMST Website has all the capabilities to host the entire bounty process from the Authenticating of the Bounty Manager to the actual posts of the actual postings of all the Bounty Hunters. We are totally independent. We have to develop an entirely new marketing concept.
- August 2019
Testing of New Bounty Platform. Re-Invent Method of Bounty. Hire a New Bounty Manager.
The Decentralized Mindset Institute team has now started testing the functionality of the website and its ability to host the entire bounty and ICO without utilizing just one single platform. We have a Team around the world who follow us and believe in the project whom we appreciate for assisting us in the testing of this new concept.
- September 2019
Creation of the DMSI Announcement (ANN) and start Pre-Launch
September we started searching for a unique individual Bounty Manager who understood our vision and was ready to help us create a unique marketing strategy. We have interviewed several managers not just looking for skill sets but also looking for someone who truly understands the word Decentralization.
- October 2019
Upgraded our Servers
After upgrading servers to our surprise several reconnection links where re-established and we have a lot of technical work as the website built is actually several websites within one. Testing of this new server takes place and several testing of websites to make sure all is
- November 2019
Official Pre Launch
We have now officially assigned a Bounty Manager and ready to create Prelaunch with a unique Affiliate link campaign which participant must authenticate with the Bounty manager and separately go to the website and receive affiliate links. In order to qualify for the Affiliate link campaign Bounty Hunters will receive a link and purchase of $ 10 of DMST Tokens to receive 5% commission in BTC of all sales generated with affiliate links paid weekly. Payment must accept $ 10 in order to receive BTC. All tokens will be 50% off in the Pre ICO Stag. This ICO will make sure that the bounty hunters walk away with value before the company builds its platform and value of the company setting a new standard for ICOs and bounties
- December 30th 2019
News Updates & Announcement of Partnerships
The Decentralized Mindset team and Administration will provide a Newsletter to keep the participants informed as to the projects progress. Our team is not just building a coin we are constantly creating new functionality for our coins which will add to the usability of the coin which in return will create Value. We will at a later date Introduce a major partnership which will assist in the credibility of this company.
- January 2020
We enter the Second Phase of the ICO Bounty
The DMST tokens will now be full price of .10 cents per coin by now you have missed all discounts as we begin to head towards the finish line. Several giveaways and contests will start in order to further reward those who have made the journey successful. Newsletters will continue to inform the bounty participants as to the status of the bounty and the direction of the company in regards to the status of the Platform.
- February 2020
Exchange Announcement!
We will announce which exchange the DMST token will be in a newsletter and announce the winners of special contest which will involve bounty hunters whom we have a secret surprise for the best performers! ALL Partnerships and developments of the platform will be announced and the start of the DAPP will be announced and updated.
- March 2020
End of ICO Bounty
The Bounty will be finalized on this date and we would have created the movement and awareness of out platform. We also anticipate now having the resources to create the actual platform which will Disrupt a $ 325 billion dollar Industry called the Online course Industry.
- April 2020
Distribution of Bounty Tokens & Proof of Stake Starts
The Bounty spreadsheet will be finalized and all participants will be rewarded shares will be divided and special awards will be presented for those who go to the next level with the commitment towards building this platform. The Decentralized Institute will also announce Certain members who participated in the Bounty official members of the team as we will analyze individuals for permanent roles or positions in the company! The Smart contracts will start its algorithm on the proof of stake standards and all those who choose to stake the tokens will start earning as of this date.
- May 2020
DMSI Crypto Currency Platform Will Begin Its Development!
We will be developing the Platform at this time as we have developed relationships with programmers and coders. We will also start creating a much larger team that will help fulfill the vision. The DMSI team will start creating the development for the DAPP and building our platform with all the passion that we have accumulated throughout this mission.
- 3rd Quarter of 2020
Platform Launch & Announcement for BETA testing of the DAPP
The DMSI team will start choosing individuals to test our DAPP and Announce the launch of the DMSI platform. We Will start allowing the public to utilize this platform and the Decentralized Payment system as the disruption begins.
Information :

What is SimpleSwap.io?
SimpleSwap.io is a fast and secure exchange service that provides simple cryptocurrency swaps without the need to sign up. SimpleSwap supports over 300 coins, this is more than other instant exchange service does! And now we have launched our own token — SimpleSwap Coin as a Loyalty Program and Utility token to provide SimpleSwap customers the best possible experience.
What is SimpleSwap Coin?
SimpleSwap Coins (SWAP) will serve as a Loyalty Program and bring significant benefits to SimpleSwap customers. SWAP Token holders will receive cashback on exchange services, exclusive fixed rates, accelerated support and many other features!
About SimpleSwap
The SimpleSwap team is glad to welcome you at our service. We have done the process of cryptocurrency exchange simple, safe and comfortable. Our customers don’t need to create accounts or store their funds at SimpleSwap.
We offer swaps of more than 300 cryptocurrencies. Our team is always glad to add new coins to the SimpleSwap list of currencies and is looking for new partners to make our platform even better.
Our service provides two exchange types: limitless and fixed rate. You can always choose the most suitable one for you.
SimpleSwap offers the affiliate program with a 90% revenue share mechanism to any crypto service that wishes to broaden its audience and implement new exchange options.
We make the cryptocurrency exchange process simple as a daily shopping trip. All in order for you to exchange what you want, when you want and as much as you want.
We provide to our users
300+ Supported Coins. SimpleSwap supports more cryptocurrencies than any other instant exchange, providing the largest amount of trading pairs available for an exchange.
The best rates. SimpleSwap have integrations with over 40 different exchanges, which enables us to provide our customers the largest amount of coins to exchange.
We never store your funds. SimpleSwap is a non-custodial service and doesn’t store your funds. All exchanges are executed automatically.
24/7 Customer Service. Real-time support is available 24/7 to deal with all queries and questions.
Affiliate Program. SimpleSwap provides one of the most profitable affiliate programs on the market sharing 90% of the revenue with the affiliates.
SimpleSwap Coin and Loyalty Program
SimpleSwap is one of the first instant exchanges to launch its own Token as a part Loyalty program.
SimpleSwap customers can get SimpleSwap Coins as a reward for their exchanges, and use it as an internal currency to get additional services on the platform. Customers who have over 1000 SimpleSwap Coins on their address will get a cashback on their exchanges, or will be able to use their coins to vote for new assets to be added the platform.
SimpleSwap Coin
SWAP token
SimpleSwap Coin(SWAP) is the one for the first tokens issued by an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform. SWAP will serve as an internal currency for SimpleSwap customers. As SimpleSwap grows fast, the tokens will be in great demand
SWAP Utility Value
SimpleSwap Coin token will serve as Loyalty Program and will give benefits for holders, such as cashback on exchanges, voting for currency listings, affiliate and bounty rewards, dedicated support and much more features to come.
Exchange listing
SWAP will be listed on trading platforms in October 2019. Until then tokens are only available as an exchange reward and as a bounty.
How to get SimpleSwap Coin?
Swap cryptocurrencies on SimpleSwap and receive SWAP tokens as a reward
Participate in bounty campaign and get rewards in SWAP (starts on September 30)
SimpleSwap Coin Supply
TOTAL SUPPLY: 100 000 000
CONTRACTS: 0x163c649ac276c5fdcc27db30a1c1f070cb731c04
4 000 000: Distributed during bounty
4 000 000: Distributed during airdrop
2 000 000: Reserved for bonuses for the team (4 years vesting with 12.5% release every 6 months)
4 000 000: Reserved for the development(in lockup for 6 months)
2 000 000: Reserved fund for risk prevention
3 000 000: Reserved for advisors
75 000 000: Reserved for Private investors (will be burning 12.5% every 6 months, if there will be no investor interest during that period)
6 000 000: Will be distributed during next 12 months — rewards, bounties and market making
Launch — APR 2018
100 Coins Supported
Public API — NOV 2018
Fixed Rate exchanges introduced
Affiliate Program Launched — JAN 2018
250+ Coins Supported
SWAP token Launched — SEP 2019
SimpleSwap Loyalty Program Launch — OCT 2019
SWAP Listing on Major Exchanges — NOV 2019
More features for SWAP holders
For more detailed information see the links below:
WHITEPAPER | https://simpleswap.io/token?utm_source=BountyANN
Join/follow SimpleSwap on all official channels:
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/SimpleSwapChat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimpleSwap_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimpleSwap.io
Thank you my best regards
ETH Address: 0xa89eefe2CeEde5c60b65467f3Bc4Fa101Cff5d7c
November 22, 2019
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